Why you should study in the UK

UK has been a popular study abroad destination for several decades and has over 340,000 international (non-UK) students, making up around 18% of the total student population. The most popular subject areas are business and engineering. The UK offers a world-renowned education system with qualifications that can make a real difference to your future. It attracts over 600,000 international students each year to a variety of programs, ranging from English language courses to PhD.

Here are our top three reasons why you should study in the UK:

1. Internationally recognised academic excellence and quality of teaching  

Did you know that the UK is home to two of the world’s top three universities, and 26 are in the top 200 best institutions for learning (QS figures. 2022 )

38 per cent of Nobel Laureates were educated in the UK (British Council, 2016), and more than one in four world leaders were educated at UK universities (University Business, 2021 ), making the UK the highest ranked of any country (GREAT campaign, 2021 addition ).

2. Promising employability and career opportunities 

UK graduates are among the most employable in the world, with three UK universities ranked in the global top 20 for employability, and 14 ranked in the top 100 (Top Universities employability rankings, 2021 ). The majority of international students who have studied in the UK report experiencing a significant competitive edge over peers educated in other countries, with over 69 per cent saying they are progressing further, being promoted quicker, and earning more because of the prestigious education they have received (International Graduate Outcomes, Universities UK International, 2019 ).

3. Enjoy geographical mobility and stay in the UK after graduation 

A survey of international graduate outcomes (Universities UK, 2020 ) found that international graduates (both EU and non-EU) believe their UK degree was worth the financial investment.  The UK’s Graduate Route allows international students to apply to stay in the UK and work, or look for work, upon graduation. International students who have successfully completed an undergraduate or master’s degree have the option to apply to stay in the UK for up to two years. PhD graduates can apply to stay for up to three years.

Overall, what are the benefits of studying in the UK? 

  • Attain lifelong world-class degrees to help you prepare and succeed in your career.
  • Enjoy higher standard of education with institutions that consistently rank among the best in the world.
  • Secure post-study work opportunities through the new Graduate Route .
  • Choose short and flexible courses that are tailormade to support you in completing your studies as quickly as possible.
  • Gain access to world-leading research through our universities that continue to be globally recognised for their commitment to research.
  • Enjoy an amazing, unforgettable student experience like no other country, and make friends for life.
  • Become the best possible you, made possible in the UK.


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